New Member Experience
The Zeta Is Forever New Member Experience emphasizes the values of the Fraternity, found in our Creed. The weekly lessons are: Seek Greatness, Seek Understanding, Seek Purpose, Seek Sisterhood and Seek the Noblest.
Prior to the weekly meeting, new members complete an online educational workshop regarding that week’s topic. These online workshops allow for fewer lectures and more discussion and engagement with other new members during meetings, building overall sisterhood and a connection to the Fraternity. The meetings include icebreakers, a review of the online module, interactive activities and a personal reflection.
All first-year Zetas participate in the New Member Experience, CommunityEdu, Initiation and two post-Initiation lessons (Seek Meaning and Seek Commitment) during the same semester as when they join the chapter.
Dear Potential New Members,
Being apart of the Zeta Tau Alpha New Member Program will truly be one of the most memorable experiences in your college career. We are so excited to love you, hangout with you, guide you and help you grow into the leaders we know you are.
Please just know that as this school year ends, as summer goes by, as you go through recruitment and pick the house to call your home— I'm praying for you. But more so than that, WE are praying for you. We have a chapter that is ready to embrace you with open arms. We are willing to not only celebrate the exciting moments, but also be with you in the tough, to build you up and help you experience joy. We are here for you and ready to love you!
I am so excited to meet you on Bid Day and share in the adventures we have planned!
T's and G's,
Brittany Bowles
Zeta Tau Alpha - VPII New Member Coordinator